I’ve joined two Facebook groups that are really helpful. Sometimes I have a question, and I hear back from so many people who can answer from experience. Then other times, I get to be the ‘expert.’
Intended for US residents only
Intended for US residents only
Mia Hamm is on your side
Discover how she is rallying behind the GVHD community by raising awareness about which GVHD symptoms patients and their loved ones need to look out for.
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Sign up for occasional email updates and to receive your GVHD introduction kit, including a personalized GVHD Medical Alert card you can share with others who need to understand your health status.
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Join our GVHDspeaks program and use your experiences to support others living with GVHD.
Click to see what steps you can take along the way to help with GVHD.
Find online groups, support meetings, one-on-one mentor services, and other opportunities to talk with people like you dealing with GVHD.
Note: Healthcare Professionals are the best source of medical information.